
Briefing on the Energy Efficiency Directive and Energy Performance in Buildings Directive: The Changes Foreseen for Energy Storage

The Energy Efficiency Directive and the Energy Performance in Buildings Directive have been reopened as part of the Fit for 55 Package. The target of a 55% reduction in greenhouse emissions by 2030 calls for greater ambition, especially in energy usage, where these files aim to make the greatest changes.

Compared to previous Directives, these proposals set a number of new provisions that will greatly affect the energy storage industry when implemented. Therefore, the briefing prepared by EASE focuses on the following topics, which foresee the most changes for energy storage:

  • Energy Efficiency Targets (at EU-level and indicatively at Member State)
  • Public buildings, zero-energy buildings, and nearly zero-energy buildings
  • EV charging infrastructure
  • Heating and cooling systems

The recasts of the Energy Efficiency Directive and the Energy Performance in Buildings Directive will both shape how energy is used efficiently and optimally in Europe to meet decarbonisation needs. While storage is referred to in these proposals, much more is required from policymakers to unlock the potential energy storage has to support the decarbonisation buildings and the energy system.
