Become a Member

Become a part of the leading energy storage association in Europe, and help drive energy storage forward!

EASE membership grants your organisation the opportunity to be directly involved in the EU decision making process. Additionally, you will benefit from a variety of services, including market intelligence updates, advise and analysis on energy storage regulation, and exclusive access to a network of professionals active in the storage sector.

EASE offers its members the opportunity to collaborate by contributing to the work of the Technology and Value Assessment Committee, the Strategy Committee, the Communications Committee, as well as working groups and task forces on specific topics. Moreover, your organisation will gain access to exclusive members only events and will benefit from discounts and speaking opportunities for the most important energy storage related events and conferences throughout the year.

EASE welcomes companies, associations, research centres, consultancies, and start-ups with sustained activities in the European energy storage sector.

EASE Membership Categories

Organisations involved in energy storage activities in Europe such as utilities, grid operators (TSOs and DSOs), equipment and technology manufacturers, and R&D organisations.

Consultancies involved in energy storage activities.

Start-ups developing energy storage technologies are allowed to join EASE at a discounted rate compared to regular members.

Associations involved in energy storage, directly or indirectly, at EU national or European level. Only secretariat personnel can be directly involved in EASE.

Any organisation which does not fulfil the requirements to become a Regular Member with activities relevant to energy storage.

EASE Membership Categories Benefits

Executive Board* General Assembly Committees Working Group
Regular - R&D
Start - up **
Associate ** Upon Invitation
* Elective position
** No voting rights


Ready to become a member?
