February 2018 / Policy Papers - Responses to Public Consultations

All Continental European and Nordic TSOs’ Proposal for a Cost Benefit Analysis Methodology

EASE submitted a response to the ENTSO-E Public Consultation on “All Continental European and Nordic TSOs’ proposal for a Cost Benefit Analysis methodology”. EASE welcomes the efforts and wishes to propose several amendments and clarifications, since some aspects of the proposed methodology might lead to strong distortions of the results or to an incomplete CBA.

April 2018 / Policy Papers - Responses to Public Consultations

Establishment of the ETS Innovation Fund

EASE submitted a response to the European Commission Public Consultation on the “Establishment of the ETS Innovation Fund”.

The EC legislative proposal for a revised EU emissions trading system (ETS) reform involves the creation of an ETS Innovation Fund (IF). This fund is meant to support low-carbon innovative technologies, including energy storage technologies, by allocating funds to demonstration projects or projects between TRLs 6-9. It will be financed through the earmarking of revenues from the sale ETS allowances.

Energy storage technologies are one of the key enablers of the energy transition, allowing us to integrate increasing shares of renewables and supporting sectoral integration. Thus, EASE believes that the EU should support the demonstration of product innovations focusing on:

  • Both long-term/seasonal storage and short-term/fast responding storage
  • Hybrid energy storage systems, combining two or more storage technologies
  • Technologies supporting sectorial integration and the decarbonisation of the heating, cooling, and transport sectors
February 2018 / Policy Papers - Responses to Public Consultations

All Continental European and Nordic TSOs’ Proposal for a Cost Benefit Analysis Methodology

EASE submitted a response to the ENTSO-E Public Consultation on “All Continental European and Nordic TSOs’ proposal for a Cost Benefit Analysis methodology”. EASE welcomes the efforts and wishes to propose several amendments and clarifications, since some aspects of the proposed methodology might lead to strong distortions of the results or to an incomplete CBA.
