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Power-Gen Europe & Renewable Energy World Europe

Draft Guidelines on environmental and energy aid for 2014-2020

EASE submitted a response to the Public Consultation Paper of the Services of DG Competition containing Draft Guidelines on environmental and energy aid for 2014-2020. EASE welcomes the draft Guidelines on environmental and energy aid for 2014-2020 and also takes this opportunity to provide feedback, offer expertise and ask for a level playing field for all energy storage technologies in a constructive dialogue with the European Commission (EC).

Draft Guidelines on environmental and energy aid for 2014-2020

Network Code on Electricity Balancing

EASE submitted a response to the ENTSO-E public consultation on the Network Code on Electricity Balancing. EASE welcomes the Network Code on Electricity Balancing as a tool to foster effective competition, non-discrimination and transparency in markets. However, EASE does use the opportunity of this public consultation to express some concerns about the points that we consider central in shaping the future balancing market

Network Code on Electricity Balancing

Green Paper on a 2030 framework for climate and energy policies

On 27 March 2013, the European Commission published a Green Paper presenting an overview of the issues that must be considered in the development of a 2030 Framework for Climate and Energy Policies. This Green Paper served as the basis of a stakeholder consultation on the development thereof.

Green Paper on a 2030 framework for climate and energy policies

EASE Activity Report 2011-2012

The awareness that energy storage is essential to establish a secure, decarbonised energy system in line with the European energy ambitions grew fast over the last few years. This need […]


Contribution of EASE to ENTSO-E’s Cost- Benefit Analysis methodology for Energy Storage

EASE presented its contribution to ENTSO-E’s Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) Methodology for Energy Storage projects in the context of the EUropean energy infrasturcture priorities and ENTSO-E’s Ten Year Development Plan (TYNDP) at today’s Stakeholders Workshop.


Contribution of EASE to ENTSO-E’s Cost-Benefit Analysis methodology for Energy Storage

Upon request of ENTSO-E to provide insights on a CBA for energy storage projects, EASE delivered inputs commenting on the validity and suitableness of the proposed indicators for energy storage projects, and developing a specific environmental indicator “social and environmental sensibility’ for energy storage technology.

Contribution of EASE to ENTSO-E’s Cost-Benefit Analysis methodology for Energy Storage

European Association for Storage of Energy launches website

European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE) unveils as a tool to help develop and promote the use of energy storage in Europe and worldwide.



Last Tuesday in Malta, on the occasion of EURELECTRIC’s Annual Convention & Conference, EASE’s Secretary General, Patrick Clerens, and EURELECTRIC’s Secretary General, Hans ten Berge, signed a Memorandum of Understanding concerning collaborative work between the two associations on topics of mutual interest.


Facilitate Energy Storage Development and Deployment in Europe

EASE responded to a public consultation on how to facilitate electricity storage development and deployment in the EU in the framework of the THINK project proposing a dynamic communication role as a knowledge pool by gathering information related to existing facilities, and facilitating the exchange of information related to operating conditions of existing pilot projects.

Facilitate Energy Storage Development and Deployment in Europe

EASE and ESA Sign MoU

Last Thursday in Washington DC, on the occasion of ESA’s 22nd Annual Meeting, EASE’s Secretary General, Patrick Clerens, and ESA’s Executive Director, Brad Roberts, signed a Memorandum of Understanding concerning collaborative work between the two associations on the relevant issues regarding energy storage and its development and integration.


Creation of EASE: European Association for Storage of Energy

A group of Europe’s leading players in the energy sector, including manufacturers, utilities and academic bodies, came together in Brussels on September 27 to sign the formal constitution for the creation of the European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE).