07/06/2018 @ 11:00 - 12:30
Smart Grids, Renewables & Storage – leading the transition towards a new European energy system
EASE is glad to organise a session during the European Union Energy Sustainable Week (EUSEW), taking place on 7 June 2018 in Brussels, Belgium.
The Energy transition is a necessity imposed by climate change, but also an occasion for Europe to transform a major threat into a one-off opportunity to bring the continent to the forefront of the international scene from an industrial, scientific, and political perspective.
This session explores how innovation in clean energy technologies can boost lighthouse ambitions and how the EU can play a decisive role in making all stakeholders joining their force to pull in the same direction. It explores the links between energy storage, renewables (wind & solar), and smart grids – which, together, will form the backbone of the new energy system. The session also showcases technologies in which Europe is uniquely competitive, for example novel, sustainable energy storage systems or new concepts for storage co-located with renewables.
The recording of the session is now available: