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13/09/2022 - 14/09/2022

Battery innovation Days 2022

EASE is glad to support the Battery Innovation Days 2022 organised as hybrid event, online and in person in Brussels on 13 and 14 September 2022. The Battery Innovation Days event fosters dialogue among the Research community, Policy makers, Industry players and end-users to ensure a constructive feedback loop towards the definition of research and innovation priorities in Europe.


If batteries are the key enabling technology to reach a zero-emission, responsible and sustainable market, the Battery Innovation Days event aims to increase knowledge and encourage exchange around the deployment of leading-edge technologies in battery materials, cell design, manufacturing and recycling.


Including discussions around the battery passport; digital twins for manufacturing; how to improve BMS architectures in the automotive industry; the deep revision currently underway to develop post li-on battery technologies, and much more in a two-day inclusive conference that looks at building a more responsible battery value chain together.

Check out the Agenda and bookmark your favourite sessions now!

Register here!


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