Interoperable opeN-source Tools to Enable hybRidisation, utiliSation, and moneTisation of stORage flexibility

InterSTORE plans to address the complexity of varying characteristics of storage solutions and technologies by developing an innovative middleware that, while virtualising the storage technology, will simplify its use from the point of view of integration platform thanks to a technology agnostic approach. The middleware will facilitate the integration of storage creating an independence from hardware solutions which are critical from customer perspectives to avoid vendor lock-in solutions. It will also facilitate its use from a monetisation perspective making sure that more investments in storage are enabled.

The overall vision of InterSTORE is to deploy and demonstrate a set of interoperable Open-Source tools to integrate Distributed Energy Storage (DES) and Distributed Energy Resources (DER), to enable the hybridization, utilisation and monetisation of storage flexibility, within a real-life environment.

To this end a comprehensive consortium composed by an aggregator, manufacturers, research centers, standardization organization, IPP and CPO, and different technology takers (CER, commercial users and final users) came together to deliver the goals of this project. The InterSTORE solution is widely demonstrated in its several perspectives by 4 Pilots to incorporate the hybridization solutions within homes, buildings, EV communities; as stand-alone solution and power grid connected, including real-time data sharing and operation within a connected data space environment.

EASE will lead the dissemination, communication and exploitation activities with an aim to increase the visibility and impact of InterSTORE and its results.


Funding programme

Horizon Europe

Grant Agreement n°


Call Identifier



2023 - 2025
