INTegrated ENergy SYStem

INTENSYS4EU (INTegrated ENergy SYStem, a pathway for Europe) was a four-year EU funded project coordinated by ZABALA which brought together 7 other partners including industry associations and research and academia.

INTENSYS4EU (INTegrated ENergy SYStem, a pathway for Europe) was a four-year EU-funded project coordinated by ZABALA bringing together 7 other partners including industry associations and research and academia.

The overarching goals of the INTENSYS4EU project were:

  • To support the further integration of innovative solutions in view of hosting 45% of variable renewables by 2030 while operating the energy system in a safe, stable and secure way;
  • To extend the existing Research and Innovation roadmaps through permanent and direct interactions with the impacted energy system stakeholders and all the Member States in view of validating the portfolio of innovative solutions via appropriate funding mechanisms.

EASE supported the ETIP SNET Working Group 2 on storage technologies and sector interfaces and contributed to all activities and documents produced by the ETIP SNET.

EASE linked third parties: CENER, CIRCE, GE, Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems (MHPSE), COBRA, Tractebel, Naturgy, Glen Dimplex


Funding programme

EU HORIZON 2020 – Coordination and Support Action

Grant Agreement n°


Call Identifier



2016 – 2020
