Batteries Europe

Building an Attractive European Research and Innovation Ecosystem on Batteries

Batteries Europe aims to support the development of the whole competitive, sustainable battery value chain in Europe through Research and Innovation. Batteries Europe will be the “one-stop-shop” for battery-related R&I ecosystem.

Batteries Europe will gather research, industry, member state representatives and the EU Commission to identify and prioritise the main research and innovation needs for the whole battery value chain in Europe. To achieve its objective, Batteries Europe will conduct several initiatives.

First, a Strategic Research Agenda will be developed. This will help identify the main research gaps to be addressed so to develop and secure a sustainable, efficient and competitive battery value chain in Europe.

Second, Batteries Europe will focus on the benchmarking of battery chemistries and it will work to provide an answer to the key question: how to compare battery systems.

Finally, the platform will bring together regional, national and EU funding, identifying the priorities that each state has in relation to the battery value-chain; and pinpointing Member States with untapped potential and where battery-related priorities receive little attention.

EASE, together with the European Energy Research Alliance, will be part of the Batteries Europe’s consortium coordinated by InnoEnergy. EASE, along with its members, will support this platform thanks to its expertise in research and innovation in the battery field, promoting the development of a sound battery industry in Europe.


Funding programme

EU Tender

Call identifier



2019 – 2021
