
Segmentation of energy storage applications

Energy storage has many valuable applications across the energy system. The range of applications which energy storage devices can provide is constantly evolving, both because of the ongoing development of new energy storage technologies, but also the evolving flexibility needs of the energy system. It is expected that the list of storage applications will continue to grow over the next few years. Most storage facilities will need to provide several services in order to have a robust business case.

These documents provide an overview of the different energy storage applications, focused mainly on the electricity system, in order to illustrate the many services that energy storage can provide. The forms are organised according to the segment of the energy system that benefits from a given service; this categorisation does not necessarily reflect the location in which the storage device is installed. The terms for individual services, as well as their maturity (existing service vs emerging or future service) differs across different Member States of the European Union, and these are addressed accordingly. The overview reflects the services that energy storage can provide from a technical point of view. However, not all of these services are monetised or tendered on the market today, and their market-readiness is also categorised.
