EASE believes that energy storage is an essential enabler of the energy transition and recognises all technologies that support this transition. The #EnergyStorageMadeEasy Campaign aimed to raise awareness on the variety of energy storage technologies available and present in the EASE technology sheets.
November 2021 / Reports and Studies
Services to Support Behind the Meter Providing Customer Energy Management
The Task Force on Segmentation of Applications has developed the Services to Support Behind-the-Meter: Providing Customer Energy Management Report, among other descriptions. This work builds on the Summary of Energy Storage Applications published in June 2020.
This overview provides a summary of the customer energy management applications referring to the energy storage installed behind-the-meter to support end users and manage their energy supply and/or costs considering many residential, commercial and industrial consumers and customers are exposed to variable electricity tariffs.
Services to Support Behind the Meter Providing Customer Energy Management are composed of eight key systems:
End-User Peak Shaving: use of energy storage to level out peaks in electricity use by residential or industrial and commercial power consumers, with the aim of minimising the cost of a customer’s invoice that varies according to their highest power demand.
Time-of-Use Energy Cost Management: use of energy storage by customers subject to variable or ‘time-of-use’ electricity pricing to reduce the overall costs for electric service.
Particular Requirements in Power Quality: use of energy storage to provide a high level of power quality above and beyond what the system offers.
Maximising Self-Production & Self-Consumption of Electricity: use of energy storage to maximise self-production and self-consumption of electricity.
Continuity of Energy Supply: use of energy storage device to substitute the network in case of interruption.
Limitation of Upstream Disturbances: use of energy storage to limit the disturbances caused by distribution grids on upstream HV grids to contractual values.
Compensation of Reactive Power: use of energy storage to compensate locally the reactive power.
EV Integration: use of electric vehicles (EV) or plug-in hybrid EVs (PHEV) to provide Vehicle to Grid (V2G) functions to contribute to the grid balancing.
EASE believes that energy storage is an essential enabler of the energy transition and recognises all technologies that support this transition. The #EnergyStorageMadeEasy Campaign aimed to raise awareness on the variety of energy storage technologies available and present in the EASE technology sheets.
EASE reply to the European Commission’s Public Consultation and Call for Evidence Feedback on proposal for a Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA) Implementing Act aiming at further specifying non-price criteria for renewable energy auctions.
In 2024, several new regulatory initiatives were introduced, marking a period of significant growth driven by key policy advancements and the collective efforts of EASE, its members, policymakers, and stakeholders.
EASE reply to European Commission’s Public Consultation on the EU’s energy security architecture, highlights energy storage as key to a secure and resilient energy transition.