Our Services

Our mission is to support the development and deployment of innovative storage technologies, to advocate for a fair and future-oriented market design that creates a level playing field for energy storage, and to facilitate information-sharing on energy storage technologies and applications.

EASE is technology neutral and supports all storage technologies, as a range of solutions will be needed to provide flexibility at different timescales across the energy system.


Influence the European decision-making process

EASE is actively shaping the legal and R&D funding framework for energy storage at EU level. Members gain direct influence in the European decision-making process.

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Participate in EU projects and influence the EU R&D funding framework

Members benefit from EASE’s expertise and technical know-how, and they can participate in EU-funded research projects. EASE is currently involved in many EU-funded projects.

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Stay up-to-date on the fast changing energy storage market

EASE gathers knowledge, information and data about future market developments that can help the energy storage stakeholders to adapt to the changing business environment.

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Enlarge your network and maximise your visibility

Featuring in EASE’s publications and events, such as the Energy Storage Global Conference, gives you visibility and the opportunity to strengthen your network among storage experts.

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