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3 December 2024 @ 09:30 - 13:00

Repower Ukraine with Energy Storage and Renewables

EASE, as part of the Energy Storage Coalition, is pleased to extend an invitation to the upcoming “Repower Ukraine with Energy Storage and Renewables” event in Brussels on 3 December 2024, in person!

This is a crucial moment for the future of Ukraine’s energy system, as the country works on a plan to rebuild in the aftermath of a devastating conflict. With this event, the Energy Storage Coalition seeks to bring together key stakeholders and decision-makers to explore how energy storage technologies and renewables can be pivotal in enhancing Ukraine’s energy resilience.

Renewables and energy storage are cornerstones of a sustainable, secure, and independent energy future for Ukraine. By integrating these sectors into the rebuilding process, Ukraine can reduce its dependence on external energy sources, build infrastructure that is more resilient to external shocks, and increase its energy security.

Register here!


3 December 2024
09:30 - 13:00
Event categories
Events, Supported Events




Energy Storage Coalition (ESC)