Loading Events
23/11/2017 - 24/11/2017


EASE is glad to support ETIP SNET South-Eastern Region Workshop, taking place on 23-24 November 2017 in Cyprus.

The 2-day workshops will include:

  • A presentation of the ETIP SNET organization and activities by ETIP SNET representatives;
  • A presentation of the recently adopted ETIP SNET 2016-2025 R&I roadmap;
  • 4 main panel sessions corresponding to ETIP SNET Working Groups’ scopes, dedicated to the presentation of the outcomes and findings of mature national and regional RD&I projects, highlighting their successes and challenges;
  • Roundtables stimulating cross-project discussion, exchange of experience and best practices and identification of existing barriers.

For more information, please contact info@etip-snet.eu