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22/10/2024 - 24/10/2024

Enlit Europe

EASE is glad to support Enlit Europe taking place in Milan, Italy on 22 – 24 October 2024.

The strategic partnership between Enlit Europe and EASE will be showcased through an Energy Storage Zone where energy storage companies and EASE members have the opportunity to highlight their commitment to the energy transition and share solutions and services to support across the entire energy storage value chain: feasibility, testing, development and engineering, construction and operation among many others – designed to create opportunities, meet peak energy demands, reducing strain on the grid and minimizing spikes in electricity costs.

From source to generation, from grid to consumer, the boundaries of the sector are blurring and this evolution is being shaped by established players, external disruptors, innovative start-ups and the increasingly engaged end-user. Enlit Europe brings all of these people together to seize current opportunities, spotlight future ones, and inspire the next generation to participate in the journey.

Register here! 


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