08/03/2017 @ 09:00 - 17:00
Energy Storage in the Energy Union: Standards We Need – CEN/CENELEC Seminar
EASE is glad to participate to Energy Storage in the Energy Union: The standards we need seminar, taking place on 8 March 2017 in Brussels, Belgium.
Energy security and sustainability are key priorities in the process of transforming the energy systems across the EU. There is a need for flexibility and adaptability and new energy market designs reflecting the contribution of strengthened interconnections, of smarter energy grids, demand management and energy storage.
Storage will be a key component of the new energy markets, supporting supply in matching the demand and modulating the demand in order to make optimal use of generation and grid assets at any moment in time. Storage becomes today a more prominent determinant of the characteristics of the new energy system, ensuring the balance between centralized and distributed power generation as well as supporting the increasing need for flexibility. It will play this function complementing demand management, flexible generation and smart grids. To enable storage playing its role in a cost-effective way there is a need to balance technological and regulatory developments.
The seminar intends to gather technology providers, professionals from Energy Storage, Transmission and Distribution Systems Operators (TSOs and DSOs), energy suppliers, policy makers and consumers to share common challenges and needs.
For further information, please visit http://www.cencenelec.eu/news/events/Pages/EV-2017-003.aspx