Distributed Solar and Storage Outlook: Methodology and Scenarios Using the Distributed Generation Market Demand Model
On 21 April 2021 EASE hosted the presentation of the Distributed Generation Market Demand (DGen) Model, a free open-source tool developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy.
The Distributed Generation Market Demand (dGen) Model simulates customer adoption of distributed energy resources for residential, commercial, and industrial entities.
During the webinar Ashreeta Prasanna, a model developer and data analyst at NREL, will show how to use dGen focusing on the European context, how it can be combined with other software, and will answer questions from the audience. EASE members are invited to download the model prior to the event here.
This event is reserved to EASE members only. Registration link for the webinar can be accessed in the Members Only Section.
Ashreeta Prasanna is a model developer and data analyst in the Distributed Systems and Storage Group at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). Her work involves developing and applying the dGen model to forecast deployment of distributed energy and storage. This includes techno-economic analysis and application of data science to evaluate the impacts of policies, technology change, and market design on customer adoption. Her work also considers the broader impacts of spatial trends in adoption and the locational benefits of distributed energy and storage.