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19/06/2019 @ 14:00 - 15:30

Delivering clean energy on EU islands


EASE organises “Delivering clean energy on EU islands” one of the conference sessions taking place during the European Union Energy Sustainable Week (EUSEW).

This session focuses on the challenges and opportunities of delivering clean energy on EU islands. It will kick off with a presentation explaining the major challenges faced by EU islands in their quest to decarbonise. Finally, it will explain how islands differ from interconnected energy systems in terms of the technical challenges they face in order to incorporate very high shares of renewables.

Islands are a fascinating case study, as some are already integrating very high shares of renewables with the support of innovative energy storage technologies. Many of the world’s first energy storage projects have been installed on islands, and they have delivered valuable insights into energy storage business cases and the technical feasibility of incorporating very high shares of renewables. Islands can therefore provide valuable insights for the broader energy system as policymakers and citizens confront the challenge of achieving a net-zero emissions power sector by 2050.


Experts from the European institutions sector and energy storage industry will discuss:

  • Innovative approaches to solving the technical and economic challenges through the deployment of energy storage systems.
  • How the experience of decarbonising islands can inform the energy transition in interconnected energy systems, addressing the topic from different angles.
  • EU and at local policies, as well as technology developments, that should be implemented to speed up the transition to clean energy on islands.


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14:00 - 15:30
Event categories
Events, EASE Event