06.02.2017 / Press Releases

EU Commission Outlines Four Principles on the Way Forward for Energy Storage

EASE welcomes the Commission Staff Working Document on Energy Storage, which complements the “Clean Energy for All Europeans” Package issued in end-November 2016 and provides a valuable contribution to the policy debate.

11.05.2017 / Press Releases

Energy storage to play key role in the biggest project funded by the CEF fund 2016

EASE is pleased to announce that the project “TSO 2020: Electric “Transmission and Storage Options” along TEN E and TEN T corridors for 2020” has been selected for funding through the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) funding instrument.

With a total budget of €11,772,834, this is the biggest out of the 7 projects selected under this program, which aims to accelerate investments in field of trans-European networks in transport, energy and telecommunications. One of CEF 2016 key priorities is enabling and strengthening the synergies between these three sectors, in particular in areas such as smart energy grids, electric mobility, intelligent and sustainable transport systems, joint rights of way of infrastructure coupling.

Under the coordination of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, EASE - in partnership with TenneT TSO, Nederlandse Gasunie, Green Planet Real Estate, TU Delft, and Stichting Energy Valley - will assess and value the key role of energy storage in the electricity transmission system by exploiting synergies between energy storage solutions and alternative transport infrastructure needs.

During this project, which will be completed over two and a half years, the partners will carry out the following actions:

  • Two critical studies to define the current status of activities that link renewable power to zero emission electricity transport applications with a focus on innovative energy storage and grid management solutions;
  • Two pilot activities, “EnergyStock Pilot” and “Hydrogen Hub”, which will demonstrate clean-power-to-transport trajectories by testing commercial energy storage and grid management technology linked to the COBRAcable high voltage network;
  • Analysis to scale-up to mass application (business plan).
06.02.2017 / Press Releases

EU Commission Outlines Four Principles on the Way Forward for Energy Storage

EASE welcomes the Commission Staff Working Document on Energy Storage, which complements the “Clean Energy for All Europeans” Package issued in end-November 2016 and provides a valuable contribution to the policy debate.
